Berry Sweet DIY's 3D Strawberries and Strawberry Favor Boxes — Maritza Garcia | knot just paper
Berry Sweet DIY's 3D Strawberries and Strawberry Favor Boxes

Berry Sweet DIY's 3D Strawberries and Strawberry Favor Boxes

As promised. I have been working hard at putting together a few fun Party DIY's. As we get ready to say Good-Bye to one of our favorite times of the year. I couldn't think of a better way to say farewell to our last days of Summer, than ending it with Something Berry Sweet. Stay tuned -it's all coming next week! 

Strawberry Favor Boxes |

To recreate your very own over-sized 3D Strawberries you may do so by purchasing the design via Silhouette Design Store by clicking directly on link below. *NOTE: you need a Silhouette CAMEO cutting machine for this project.

3D STRAWBERRY by Snapdragon Snippets

Strawberry Favor Boxes |
Strawberry Favor Boxes |

DIY Strawberry Favor Boxes

Here I took the Strawberry Boxes filled them with bubble gum flavored jelly beans. I actually sampled three STRAWBERRY flavored jelly beans at the Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield, CA (strawberry cheesecake, strawberry jam and strawberry daiquiri) and I just couldn't go with any single one- way to sweet for my liking, I really did try to go all out with my "STRAWBERRY FIELDS" theme, maybe next time.

For this project you will need the following supplies:

 Pre-cut Strawberry Boxes by Lori Whitlock via Silhouette Design Store, Candy, Thread, Glassine Bags and Scissors.

Step by Step DIY Photo Tutorial by Maritza Garcia.

click on images below to view larger


 To recreate these adorable little boxes you may do so by purchasing design via Silhouette Design Store or download a Free template via Fire Fly Creative Design by clicking on the links below.

Strawberry Box by lori whitlock


Strawberry Favor Box by Firefly creative design


*Please Note: Both designs are not intended for resale, personal use only.

Happy crafting!


Homemade Mini Easter Bunny Cake

Homemade Mini Easter Bunny Cake
