Homemade Mini Easter Bunny Cake — Maritza Garcia | knot just paper
Homemade Mini Easter Bunny Cake

Homemade Mini Easter Bunny Cake

Homemade Cake | DIY Decorating Mini Easter Cakes | by maritzgarcia.website

Hello. As much as I hate to admit. I have been a bit of a scatterbrain these past few weeks. So much so. That I just recently realized Easter Sunday is in just four days. Yikes! None-the-less I wanted to decorate and bake something with the kids and this is what we came up with today.

Homemade Mini Easter Bunny Cake | www.maritzagarcia.website

As you can clearly see. I'm no cake decorator. Still, that doesn't stop me from trying. Also, apologies I have no awesome ingredients or recipe for me to share here. Other than those found on the back of a Betty Crocker cake box.


For this easy to make at home Mini Easter Bunny Cake. I went with a Whipped Cream Cheese Frosting (Betty Crocker brand), Super Moist Chocolate Fudge Cake Mix (also Betty Crocker brand), Edible Easter Grass in Green Apple Flavor (Target), Milk Chocolate Solid Rabbit 100% All Natural NIAGARA Chocolates (World Market) and little Temptations Jordan Almonds (from T.J.Maxx).


I used a 4" Round Cake Pan. Bake Cake as Instructed on the cake box. Cut my Edible Easter Grass into assorted sizes to give the appearance of tall grass. Next. Hid a few eggs and added my Bunny to the center of the over-grown grass field. Wink, wink.

Homemade Mini Easter Bunny Cake | www.maritzagarciawebsite

I know my Mini Bunny Cake looks a bit funny. But before you judge- simply remember. It's not what's on the outside that counts, it's what's on the inside. Of course, I would say that. But, in my defense. I'm a crafter, not a cake decorator.

Homemade Mini Easter Bunny Cake | www.maritzagarcia.website

Anyway. It was so much fun baking with the kids today. We can't wait to enjoy and share our mini cake with the rest of the family tonight.

Hope you get inspired to make your very own Homemade Easter Bunny Cake too. 


- Maritza.

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